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Ways of translation transformations’ rendering (after an example of legal texts)


Introduction 9
1 Transformation in translation
1.1 The notion of a translation transformation 11
1.2 Types of transformations 17
2 Translation transformations used in legal texts and ways of their translation
2.1 Peculiarities of texts of law 26
2.2 Equivalents’ using in legal translation 33
2.3 Transformations in legal documents on the example of juridical texts 37
Conclusion 58
Bibliography 60
Appendix A "Percentage of translation transformations used in "Marriage Contract"" 62
Appendix B "Percentage of translation transformations used in "Typical Contract"" 63
Appendix C "Percentage of translation transformations used in "Consign Agreement"" 64

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 64
  • Цена: 13000
  • Год: 2013
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