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Specific Features of Grammatical Metaphor in the English Language


Introduction 3
1 Characteristic and Main Features of Grammatical Metaphors in English 5
1.1 The Notion and Content of Grammatical Metaphor 5
1.2 Classification of Grammatical Metaphor 10
1.3 Nominalisation as a Feature of Grammatical Metaphor 12
1.4 Ideational and Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor 14
2 Analysis of Grammar Metaphor in English language 17
2 Analysis of Grammar Metaphor in English language 18
2.1 Analysis of Grammatical Metaphor Usage 18
2.2 Translation of Metaphors in Novel by S. Maugham (“Theatre”) 20
2.3 Metaphor Examples from Literature 24
Conclusion 28
Bibliography 30

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 30
  • Цена: 2500
  • Год: 2012
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