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Translation of Proverbs and Idioms from Russian into English


Introduction 4
Chapter 1. Phraseology as an Expressive Part of Language's Vocabulary 7
1.1. Definition and Characteristics of Phraseology 7
1.2. Ways of Forming Phraseological Units 11
1.3. Classification of Phraseological Idioms 13
Chapter 2. The Problems of Proverbs Translation from Russian into English 20
1.1. Proverbs and Idioms Translation Difficulties 20
1.2. Synonymous statements and emphasis 24
1.3. Indices for Interpretation 28
1.4. Proverbs and its Means 30
Conclusion 35
Bibliography 37

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 37
  • Цена: 2500
  • Год: 2012
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