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Formation of communicative competence of students in teaching foreign language


Introduction. 3

Chapter I General theory of communicative competence. 5

1.1 Concept of communicative competence. 5

1.2 Models of communicative competence. 8

1.3 Communicative competence in language teaching. 11

Chapter II Communicative Competence: A Pedagogically Motivated Model. 19

2.1 The effectiveness of information and communication technologies in the formation of communicative competence in teaching foreign language. 19

2.2 Development of communicative competence of students by means of uses of information and communication technologies. 21

Conclusion. 25

Bibliography. 27

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 27 стр
  • Цена: 3500 тг
  • Год: 2014
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