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Stylistic and Pragmatic analysis οf pοlitical discοurse


Introduction 3
Chapter I General background of political discourse theory 6
1.1General theory of pragmatics and stylistics and their role in political discourse 6
1.2 Notion of political discourse 15
1.3 The Nature of Discourse and Political Speeches 22
1.4 Political discourse in the media: cross-cultural perspectives 32
Chapter II Stylistic and Pragmatic analysis of political discourse 51
2.1 Principle of politeness “Theory of Grice” 51
2.2 Stylistic analysis of political discourse by means of using stylistic devices 58
2.3 Pragmatic potential of political discourse in the context of translation 72
Conclusion 84

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 89
  • Цена: 18000 тг
  • Год: 2014
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