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Extracurricular work for teaching English


Introduction 4
1 The role of extracurricular work in language teaching 8
1.1 Motivating features of extracurricular work in language learning process. 8
1.2 The purposes and objectives of the extracurricular activities of a foreign language. 10
1.3 Principles of extracurricular activities in a foreign language 13
1.4 Strategies of extracurricular work organizing. 19
1.5 Ways of encouraging of extracurricular work. 22
1.6 Types of extracurricular activities. 25
1.6.1 Subject clubs as a group form of extracurricular activities. 31
1.6.2 Student Conference as an individual form of extracurricular activities. 32
1.6.3 Elective classes in a foreign language. 33
1.6.4 Calendar and theme parties. 34
1.6 Excursions as a form of extracurricular activities in a foreign language. 35
II Practical aspects of extracurricular work 39
2.1 Practical prompts for organizing extracurricular work 39
2.2 Practical recommendations for establishing Debate Meetings. 41
2.3 The Implementation of the Project Work. 46
2.3. Using games as extracurricular activities. 50
Conclusion 55

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 60
  • Цена: 5000 тг
  • Год: 2014
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