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Project work as an innovative way in teaching English


Introduction 3
1 Project work as one of the most effective teaching forms at the English lesson 6
1.1 Project work as an innovative way in teaching English 6
1.2. Planning the project 16
1.3 Types of project work 18
1.4 Group Work at Project Lessons 28
2. Using Project work for developing all language skills 30
2.1 Managing the project 30
2.2 Developing reading and listening skills 34
2.3 Developing Speaking and Writing Skills 36
2.4 Project work activities at the English lesson 37
Conclusion 62
Bibliography 64

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 66 стр
  • Цена: 5000 тг
  • Год: 2014
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