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Foreign Policy of USA in Central Asia (1991-2015)


Contents 2
Introduction 3
1 The status of Central Asia in vision of USA 6
1.1 Evolution of Central Asia concept in USA Diplomacy 6
1.2 Geopolitical value of Central Asia for US policy 13
2 Evolution of the US Foreign Policy toward Central Asia 19
2.1 The US-Central Asian relations in 90’s 19
2.2. The US-Central Asian relations in 00’s 24
3 New approaches to USA Foreign Policy in XXI century 32
3.1 The New Silk Road Policy: success and perspectives 32
3.2 C5+1 Policy and his role in balance of power saving 35
3.3 U.S. Policy Toward Central Asia 3.0 40
Conclusion 53
Bibliography 56

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 61 стр
  • Цена: 20000 тг
  • Год: 2016
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