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Translation transformations on the material of a literature by writers of the end of 20 century


Introduction 6
1 General Information on translation transformations 10
1.1 The notion of a translation transformation 10
1.2 Types of transformations 16
1.3 Peculiarities of translating the literature 25
2 Analysis of translation of "The Sittaford Mystery" novel by Agatha Christie 43
2.1 Lexical transformation of "The Sittaford Mystery" novel by Agatha Christie 43
2.2 Grammatical transformations of "The Sittaford Mystery" novel by Agatha Christie 48
2.3 Complex transformations of "The Sittaford Mystery" novel by Agatha Christie 55
Conclusion 64
Bibliography 68

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 71 стр
  • Цена: 20000 тг
  • Год: 2016
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