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ways of proper names and "speaking" proper names translation


I Theoretical foundations of the study of adequate translation of "speaking" proper names………………………………………………………………….….4
1.1 Proper name, “speaking” proper name and their classification……………….4
1.2 Criteria and techniques of adequate translation of "speaking" proper names....7
II Proper name translation strategies………..…………………………………10
2.1. Strategies and methods of translating proper names…………………………10
2.2. Translation problems of proper names……………………………………….11
2.3. Analysis of the text "Why ageism never gets old"…………………………...12
List of references…………...…………………………………………………….30

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  • Объем работы: 30 стр
  • Цена: 4000 тг
  • Год: 2021
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