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Evolution of the gerund of nouns


Introduction 3

1 Main Features of English Nouns 6
1.1 Morphological Characteristics of Nouns 6
1.2 Syntactical Characteristics of Nouns 6
1.3 Semantical Characteristics of Nouns 7
1.4 Characteristics of nouns due the way of their composition 10

2 Evolution of gender of nouns 12
2.1 Development and historical view of nouns - gender 12
2.2 Modern view of gender and its forming 17
2.3 Masculine Feminine gender 23
2.4 Common, Neuter gender 26

Conclusion 31
Bibliography 33
Appendix 35

Дополнительная информация

  • Объем работы: 35
  • Цена: 2500
  • Год: 2011
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